Travelling during Covid

Travelling has always been one of my favourite things to do. However, I study and work almost every day of the year to be able to achieve my main goals which are graduating with a bachelor’s degree. Although I did manage to enjoy travelling during the Covid period to the fullest.

Study Exchange

Studying at an International school gave me the opportunity to do a study exchange abroad. Although we were living in a difficult time period, I got the opportunity to leave to the happy island Aruba. I must admit that it took me sometime before they accepted me due to all the Covid-19 regulations.

I had the most amazing time in Aruba, I studied every day at school, I could go out, I could go snorkel, swim, explore and live again. I made so many new friends and learned so many new things. I developed myself to a whole new level. These 6 months were truly one of the best I ever had.

While staying in Aruba I still had to look for a new summer job. One of my deepest dreams was working at a travel agency as a guide. So, I thought: “let’s do it”. I solicited at Sunweb, who were immediately very happy to welcome me in their big team. I started doing some research thinking about my next adventure while still being in this amazing paradise.

Destination responsible of the Costa Brava with Sunweb

Sunweb was such a great and organised company, they immediately flew me from Aruba to Spain. However, starting out as a new guide was extremely challenging at first. You had to immerse yourself in a new culture, learn about the country itself and in the meanwhile develop yourself within 3 months.

All in all, I would do everything all over again in a heart beat. It was such a wonderful experience that led me to so many new opportunities.